How To Keep Your Commercial Gym Clean
Sweaty bodies jumping around, coming in contact with all of the equipment, and more. How do you keep up on protecting others when using your gym facilities? Well, if you aren’t already following a strict cleaning and disinfecting routine, maybe some of the suggestions here will help. Let’s take a closer look at ways you can keep your commercial gym clean for those who use it.
The Simple Steps To Disinfecting Your Gym
When you are gym cleaning, one of the most effective ways to achieve this is through a process of disinfection.
Essentially, you are ridding all surfaces of germs or the conditions that eventually attract germs. What you want to do is discourage germ activity. Disinfection does this for you. But for it to be effective, you must follow these five steps.
1 – Wash your Hands
Before you start to clean an area in your gym, you must have clean hands first. Wash them with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for at least 20-seconds.
2 – PPEs
PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment. In laymen’s terms that is a face mask, gloves, and such. When you are cleaning anywhere in a gym, you should wear PPEs.
3 – Wipe In One Direction
If you are using wipes or cloths as part of your gym cleaning Brisbane project, you can avoid cross-contamination by wiping everything in the same direction. In other words, if you have always wiped surfaces down in a back and forth motion, you have to quit doing that and learn to move in one direction only.
4 – Follow The Directions On The Bottle
The liquid disinfectant you are using will have directions somewhere informing you of how long to leave the product on any surface before you wipe it off. Follow that suggestion to ensure complete disinfection.
5 – Dispose Of Waste
After you have completed disinfecting your gym, properly dispose of the used PPEs, cleaning wipes/cloths, or any other material used in the cleaning process. Oh, and wash your hands again.
Gym Cleaning Spring Time Includes A Cleaners Checklist
You cleaning and disinfecting the gym is only part of the equation. Your gym clients also have to do their part to keep the facility clean and useful for others working out. They can do that by following this simple three-step cleaners checklist.
1 – Cover
A towel should be used to cover equipment when it is being used. The towel should act as a barrier between the equipment and the person on it.
2 – Wipe
After a piece of equipment has been used, a clean towel or disinfectant wipe should be used to wipe the equipment surface.
3 – Wash
Following the workout, the client should wash their hands which reduces the spread of germs.
How You Can Provide Gym Cleaning Service More Efficiently?
There are three ways in which a commercial gym owner can ensure that their facility is meeting and exceeding required cleaning protocols.
1 – Staff
With a well-trained staff on personal hygiene and disinfecting procedures, your gym facility will be correctly cleaned.
2 – Cleaning Schedule
By creating and posting a cleaning schedule, you can ensure that your facility is cleaned correctly and regularly.
3 – Documentation
By having a carefully documented chart of what disinfecting procedures were used, when and by who, you will be able to track when certain cleaning chores are required.
Combine Your Efforts
The best way to ensure that all surfaces are getting cleaned properly is to hire a commercial gym cleaning service to assist with your process. With the work done by your staff and clients, a cleaning service can provide touch-ups and additional cleaning to keep your gym nice and safe for everyone.
In Conclusion
There are many ways in which you can take care of keeping your commercial gym facilities clean. You can take it upon yourself and implement a cleaning and disinfecting program that involves your staff and educating your clients. That will work for the most part but for this to be truly effective, combining that type of cleaning program with the use of commercial cleaners, you can’t go wrong.
A commercial gym cleaning service will be able to support your in-house cleaning program and catch the places where you, your staff, or clients missed. Keep your gym safe for everyone with a proper cleaning program.
GMA Cleaning Solutions take pride in bringing you the highest quality cleaning team in Brisbane. Take a load off and give us a try today, you won’t be disappointed.
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