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House Cleaning Tips

Hot Spots in The Bathroom That Require Cleaning Brisbane

By July 31, 2020September 17th, 2020No Comments

What to look for when you want to keep your home and family healthy and germ free…

The bathroom is one of the most difficult places in your home to keep clean.

That is because germs have a habit of seeking locations where you won’t find them, and they can continue to thrive and cause all kinds of issues.

Mould and mildew can form in the humid and damp conditions that dominate the bathroom after showers, baths, and laundry if your bathroom has enough room for a washer and dryer.


Let’s take a closer look at those trouble spots and see how they can be remedied Brisbane.

cleaning the bathroom image

Brisbane Showers

Well, as you can imagine, the grime, dirt, and dead skin cells that come off your body during a normal hot shower are going to be collecting if not all going down the drain. Plus, if you have hard water, your shower head will require regular cleaning as well to keep it working properly. Glass shower doors and tiles clean quickly if you use a squeegee on them.

Brisbane Toilets

 This is an obvious one, right? The bathroom typically begins with the toilet when cleaning, doesn’t it? Or maybe you have a separate toilet from the bathroom. One way to reduce the number of germs that can form in the toilet is to ensure the lid is closed before flushing. A toilet brush is very effective in reaching places where germs can live including around the inside rim of the bowl and both sides of the seat.

Water Taps/Handles


The bathroom sink is another hot spot for germs in your bathroom, considering that dirty hands are cleaned there.

Since you have touched the handles to turn the water on, you can end up with a bit of a mess up around this are.

By using disinfectant wipes or just wiping the handles down after use can curb the germ warfare.

Soap dishes also create the perfect environment for germs so flip the soap over and wipe out the dish.

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cleaning the toothbrush holder image

Toothbrush Holder


Keeping your family clean Brisbane often means taking a hard look at the toothbrush holder and how it is being used.

The scum and gunk that can form on the bottom of your toothbrush holder is another great place to hide germs.

You can give it a rinse under hot water every so often to cut down on the build-up, but your best defence is monthly trips to the dishwasher to clean it properly.



If your bathroom has rugs or mats on the floor, you have created the perfect home for a germ invasion.

For these specific area rugs or mats, especially the ones that get quite wet like the ones in front of the bath or shower, hang them to dry after each shower or bath and put them into the regular wash with the towels every week.

Also, vacuum the floor weekly.

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cleaning the bathroom light switch

Light Switch


This is another location in the bathroom that gets touched by everyone at least once a day.

This means that germs from all members of the family are getting transferred (and spread) each time the light is turned on or off.

Using disinfectant wipes will help keep the germs at bay daily and weekly you can give the entire area around the light switch a cleaning to keep it bright and clean.

In Conclusion

As you can see Brisbane, house cleaning is a bit more involved than just dragging a vacuum across the floor every so often.

Some areas in your home will require additional time to keep clean simply because of the traffic in those areas and the conditions they create.

Your bathroom is one such example. Hopefully, we have given you a better appreciation for a clean bathroom by revealing where it can be its dirtiest.

Need some help with your home cleaning chores Brisbane?

Give us a bell and we’ll make it nice and simple for you or use our instant online quoting system here.

GMA Clean

Author GMA Clean

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