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Home De-Cluttering

How to DeClutter your Home Brisbane

By October 28, 2020No Comments

The tactical approach to de-cluttering your home

Isn’t it funny how your life gets busy and before you know it, there’s a lot of extra stuff taking up room in and around your home? We’re talking funny strange here and not funny ha-ha, by the way.

So what do you have to do to keep on top of the increasing amount of stuff that accumulates?

Well, it means having to declutter. Fortunately, it is easy to do if you have a plan to follow. In this article, we will explain the best way to declutter your home Brisbane.

1 – The Three Month Challenge

declutter your home image of old suitcases

For the next three months, get into a new habit. All you need to do is just buy the essential items you need in your household or get rid of something old when something new comes in.

This will prepare you for when you start to get serious about decluttering. But for this to be most effective, every person in your home has to buy into this three-month challenge.

It will put everyone into the proper mindset for when you start to implement the plan we mentioned earlier.

2 – Define Your Boundaries

When you start to put together your home organizing plan, you need to have clear definitions of what you will be doing.

For example, organizing and decluttering are two very different things. Organizing is basically taking things and putting them somewhere else.

Decluttering is taking things you no longer require and getting rid of them. That can mean recycling, donating, or throwing them out depending on the condition and purpose of those items.

how to de-clutter you home image of an organisational plan

3 – Pack Away A Donation Box

decluttering your home image of a donation box

As you declutter and come across items you are not quite ready to part with, put them in a box.

Label that box with something along the lines of “donate after 30 days” and seal the box. Place it in the garage or somewhere else you use for storage.

When you come across it again, try to remember what is in it. If you can’t, you don’t need the things stuffed in that box. Donate it and forget about it. Move on and continue with your ongoing decluttering process.

4 – Ask Someone For Assistance

There are going to be times when you come across something you can’t decide on whether or not to keep.

This is where another family member or close friend can be of great service to you. All you need that person to do is provide you with a “yes” or “no” vote each time you hold one of these items up for them to see.

That way, you get an objective view from someone else who may help you toss a few more items than you could decide on your own. Try it, it works.

declutter your home image of friends helping

5 – Go In Stages

declutter your home image of smaller items

Start with the easy stuff. This can be duplicate items, things you haven’t used in years taking up space in your kitchen, do-dads, and knick-knacks, and things you either don’t use or do not enjoy for whatever the reason.

By removing items that are easy to part with, you will start to see how you can gain extra room. It will also give you the confidence to move on to bigger projects in the decluttering process. It isn’t easy at first, but once you start, you may find it hard to stop.

6 – Let Go Of Those Sentimental Feelings

This is a tough one. It is also why it is usually the final stage of decluttering. If you are holding onto things with the sole purpose of handing them down to your children, you should ask them if they truly want the stuff.

You may be surprised to find that they have little or no interest in keeping some of the things you thought they would cherish. Once you establish this, go ahead and start to remove those items from storage and get rid of them. You don’t need to hold onto them.

declutter your home image of letting go

7 – Seek The Help Of Professional Organisers

If you find it absolutely impossible to take on the decluttering of your home, you can avoid the work by hiring one of many different decluttering services that are out there.

Yes, believe it or not, there is such a thing as home organising services that are experts at helping you to remove those things you no longer need and are taking up valuable space within your home. They will work with you to help you take back your space and make room for the things you need.

Here at GMA Cleaning Solutions, we can definitely help you with this task.

GMA Cleaning Solutions take pride in bringing you the highest quality cleaning team in Brisbane. Take a load off and give us a try today, you won’t be disappointed.

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GMA Clean

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